Manufacturer of playgrounds
Triglav bl
Manufacturer of playgrounds
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Our advantages
Triglav BL - manufacturer for more than 6 years
Thanks to our own production, we can easily change the characteristics of any element to your needs, or make a completely brand new one based on your photo or drawing!
Non-standard designs
We'll help you turn your project into reality!
Convenient payment methods
Any type of payment.
Certified products
We give a guarantee for our products, we use high-quality materials.
1 year product warranty
We can also provide an additional warranty for another 2-3 years.
We will gladly install your equipment in any place. We guarantee the quality and reliability of the work performed.
Complete set
Ordering any element, you'll receive all the necessary fasteners for its installation!
Installation instructions
Ordering our products, you'll receive a video instruction on its installation!
People trust us
Our client list includes government institutions, schools and the police!
Anti-vandal elements
All our products are designed and manufactured in such a way that they cannot be damaged or destroyed.
Bonuses for regular customers
You'll receive a discount of 15% on the next order and 20% on the third order!
We can paint the elements in any color. We'll select all the necessary colors for your design.
Development of drawings
Our design department will gladly calculate the cost, design and reliability of equipments.
Horizontal bars
More than 30 types and the possibility of individual order
Swedish walls
More than 40 types and the possibility of individual order
Кросфіт станції, тренажери для вулиці, смуги перешкод
Crossfir stations
Exercise machines for home
Swings, sandpits, outdoor gym equipment, football gates, etc.
Rings, tatami, mats, martial arts simulators and more
Bench press, strength training machines, treadmills, speed ropes and more
Everything for martial arts
Equipment according to the photo
Send a photo of a simulator or sports ground, and we'll calculate the cost for free and, if necessary, manufacture and deliver!
Our partners
+38 095 2781 777
25 Vatutina, Vinnytsia
Do you need a consultation? Put your phone number and we'll call you!
Our phone number: